Hey guys...
I was watching "Real Time with Bill Maher" last night, as usual, and near the end of the program, Bill began riffing on Muslims being "terrorists"...he's ranted before, and each time more and more anger swelled up in me over his arrogance and hypocrisy.
Let me state clearly that I like Maher. This dragging will be done with no hard feelings in tow.
Dear Bill,
Hi, it's me, Hassan! Remember last night when you said Muslims were the biggest terrorists in the world today? You weren't reading the "Billboard Hot 100" of world terrorists correctly. you see, the group that has held the number one spot and gone unchallenged in the last five hundred (500)years is a group that you ought to be intimately familiar with, as you are part of them...that group, is white men.
No, this isn't some racist rant from some "
pseudo militant" gay black dude.
Nah, homie.
Just spitting facts.
For arguments sake, I will only use reference sources from white men themselves on not only their historical brutality, but their current debauchery. You can look up the details. I will begin by noting the obvious: White men built a GLOBAL system designed for the promulgation, advancement, and propagandizing of a lie: The myth of white supremacy. In all areas of people activity, people that looked like you, Bill, went into every known area of the world and slaughtered, raped, pillaged, stolen resources, dehumanized, devalued, degraded the non white occupants of that area under the banner of erroneous concepts like "Manifest destiny"(some bullshit that proclaimed that it was your God given right as white folks to steal shit), and now, after five long brutal centuries of the most cruel, inhumane treatment ever rendered in the history of the world, you, as a white male, have the nerve to proclaim someone else holds your people's crown as a terrorist.
As someone who fancies himself a progressive, I'm sure you are aware of the cliff notes version of all this...whether it was the Maori people of New Zealand, the indigenous people of North America, South America, Central America, Asia, or Africa, white folks systematically robbed, stole, and plundered the planet, terrorizing every non white person in their path. White men perfected sadistic, disgusting, cruel and wicked methods to establish and maintain control over their captives.
Trivia time!
What part of Earth are white people "indigenous" or native to?
Did you guess Europe?
They were not even the first people there.
Didn't know that, huh? There was a group of Africans now known as the Grimaldi, who arrived in Europe between 40 and 50,000 years ago, and through the process of speciation (evolution of distinct species due to environmental and other factors), essentially, for lack of a better term, "became" white. The climate of Europe wasn't conducive to heavy melanin and coarse hair, so as humans do, they adapted...
(I could go into Yacub's History here, but y'all ain't ready for that).
In fact, you guys aren't really native to any part of the planet Earth if you want to be technical... After the Moors civilized you guys, having conquered Europe all the way up to the gates of Vienna, you engaged in a very bitter and vicious series of wars called the Crusades with them. You defeated the Moors eventually, and this is when your reign of unprecedented terrorism begins.
White "nationalists" like Steve Bannon and Donald Trump want to relive the Crusades.
Perfect word choice.
According to all of your own historians, white men set sail around the Earth, never to be subjugated again, and began a race to conquer the darker people of the world. White men
exterminated the Tazmanians in Australia, The Maori in New Zealand, and the Carib Indians. To this moment, all of the wealth whites enjoy on a relative basis, and the myriad of other privileges afforded in a system of white supremacy, was accumulated on the backs of non white people. It would take a true terrorist to do that. Every Western nation on Earth today is built upon either the overt, or in most cases covert display of white supremacy.
Muslims don't hold a candle to white men. Whether they be the Founding Fathers, or the rank and file white Christian male...white Jewish male...or white "atheist" male, white men unite upon only one major principle. White supremacy.
Notice I haven't even begun on what white men did to black folks yet???
Now I know you are a "liberal" and that means you want me to believe that it's just those right wing white folks that uphold such beliefs.
Malcolm X warned us clearly about the white liberal.
So Bill.....my suspicion is that anyone who has the nerve and audacity to set a course of action antithetical to white control and subjugation, will get the "terrorist" label placed on them.
I have no love for "ISIS" or any of those other groups. This is merely a note to remind you that, especially a wealthy white male, you have no space calling anyone else a terrorist, given the debauchery your ilk have heaped on mankind.
(Note: Don't assume for a second that the white woman gets a pass...she is the right hand to white men in the system of white supremacy, and gives no care about picking race over gender or any other factor. Don't be deceived...I just don't feel like typing a whole book on her and him.)
I'll be watching next Friday though Bill!
(Keep it cute though)
Brother Hassan